365 Days 2024, June 11-15

June 11th

Daily hummingbird with a Hous
e Finch flying by.
Mourning Dove
The Western Tanagers are so beautiful, and I’m so grateful every time they grace my garden.
I wasn’t feeling great today, and Keola kept me company.

Daily hummingbird beef… I really do like this photo.

June 12th

Iris and Finnegan have a baby!!
Anodda flying hummingbird feeder.

So sorry…no pīpī again today; I looked for them a couple of times but never saw them.

June 13th

Daily hummingbird.
Nolemana did the food deliveries for me today. He was all better.
My Amaryllis is blooming big time!

Feeling better today so I ventured out onto the lānai; the main icky thing I’m dealing with is the chills and clamminess alternating in my body. I never did run a fever, but sometimes it sure feels like I have one.

And so is my Bird of Paradise!
So glad it made it through the terrible ice storm.
Daily pīpī!

June 14th

Daily hummingbird.
Daisies blooming along our road.


Adunno where the pīpī were hiding today.

June 15th

There they are!
Grosbeak and Flicker.
Such a nani morning view!
House Finches at the feeders.

Daily hummingbird in patches of blue.

Daily hummingbird.

Nani sunset tonight!

About Mokihana

Born and raised Hawaiʻi girl who misses home and loves the Pacific Northwest. I’m a free spirit and love the serendipitous events that bring people and places together. My philosophy about knitting and life in general: “It is good to have an end to journey toward,but it is the journey that matters in the end.”Ursula K. Le Guin
This entry was posted in 365 Days, Birdies, Da Kine: Sometimes Full-on Pidgin, Daily Pīpī, daily-hummingbird, food-deliveries, springtime-flowers, sunsets, sunshine-valley and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to 365 Days 2024, June 11-15

  1. Michelle says:

    Lots of gorgeous photos in this post! Glad you are both feeling better.

    • Mokihana says:

      Thanks, Michelle. I’m glad we’re feeling better, too. This virus was no fun.

      I’m glad the flowers are blooming; they help me feel better, too.

  2. AFK says:

    The lighting in your hummingbird beef photo is fantastic. Your tanager photo on the 14th is exceptional. I’m so glad your amaryllis and bird of paradise are blooming. BoP was my mother-out-law’s favorite flower, and I always think of her when I see one. Kitties are such a comfort–kudos to Keola.

    I’m so lolo–in your Grosbeak and Flicker photo, I saw the Grosbeak right away, but it took me a while to see the Flicker. IT’S SO BIG AND IT’S RIGHT THERE. Lolo.

    I’m glad you’re feeling better.

    • Mokihana says:

      Mahalos, sweet friend! I love that the BoP means so much to you, too.

      No worry beef curry about the Flicker… because why? Because when I posted the photo I didn’t even see it right away! But it’s so in the shadow that it’s hard to see.

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