365 Days 2024, May 26-31

May 26th

Hairy Woodpecker at the suet feeder.
Part of our haul from Boring Garden Center; we’ll plant them this week.
Daily pīpī.
Rhodies next to our lower lānai.

You guys!!! The swallows are using the nest box!!!

The daily hummingbird let me get this close! I like when I can get a different view of them.

I saw this chair on IG and of course, had to kakaroach the image for AFK!

May 27th

Daily hummingbird.
And then there were two!
Daily pīpī; you can barely see Kiko and Hōkū way back there.

May 28th

Zoomies daily hummingbird.
Haha… Flicker with the zoomies.
Bunny in da grass. Try look all the cottonwood fluff around.
Blurry Kiko. Try look how big heʻs getting!

Here’s photos of Violet-Green Swallows; I sure hope we have babies this year!

May 29th

Daily hummingbird action.
Sleepy Kalakoa lying on me. (Carol knit that blanket for me.)
Blurry Western Tanager, but still so handsome!

May 30th

Oh, what a beautiful morning! ♪♫♫♪
Hōkū and Bessie, da daily pīpī.
Really cool 1950 Buick!
Da Dumbass Squirrel trying to get into my suet feeder.

How many people look out their office windows only to find they’re getting stalked by a pīpī?

…or two.
Wahine Western Tanager.
Daily hummingbird.
Chee hoo! Get one new food truck ova da hill in Boring.
Fresh ti leaves for lau lau in a few weeks!
So ʻono da kau kau, too!
Two daily hummingbirds at sunset. One through the screen, so blurry and weird.

May 31st

The House Finches are back! When I was a volunteer wildlife rehabber, I raised a lot of these babies to release.

At da gym today… on their sound system.
The kids are growing up so fast!

About Mokihana

Born and raised Hawaiʻi girl who misses home and loves the Pacific Northwest. I’m a free spirit and love the serendipitous events that bring people and places together. My philosophy about knitting and life in general: “It is good to have an end to journey toward,but it is the journey that matters in the end.”Ursula K. Le Guin
This entry was posted in 'Ono Kine Grindz, 365 Days, Birdies, Da Kine: Sometimes Full-on Pidgin, Daily Pīpī, daily-hummingbird, springtime-flowers and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to 365 Days 2024, May 26-31

  1. AFK says:

    Congratulations on your new swallows neighbors! How exciting! I love watching our neighborhood swallows eat all those pesky gnats.

    “Stalked by Cows” would be an interesting band name. I *love* that cow chair (as you knew I would). And your 5/30 photo of Hōkū & Bessie is especially nice.

    Kalakoa is adorable.

    • Mokihana says:

      Mahalo nui… I do hope the swallows stay and raise a family. I love watching them soaring over the pasture and getting bugs.

      I knew you’d love the chair!

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